The Rosicrucian Fellowship

An International Association of Christian Mystics
dedicated to preaching the Gospel and healing the sick

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We have free software which you may download onto your Windows computer and run.

A natal horoscope

Now you can try our new Search tool for yourself.

Download Rosicrucian Principles of Child Training. Just unzip and run. You'll love the way you can find any word or phrase in this booklet compiled from the writings of Max Heindel.

Download Max Heindel's Letters to Students and Rosicrucian Mysteries. Just unzip and run. You'll love the way you can find any word or phrase in either of these two important works by Max Heindel.


Reading Material

Question of the Day
(unzip it and then run rf_qotd.exe)

Rosicrucian Fellowship Astrology Software with Max Heindel Interpretations (RFInterp)

The Rosicrucian Fellowship Astrology Calculation Program (RF_Astro)

More software - mostly free

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